Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Yesterday's internet purchase...

I bought the "ass pad " (it's really called a Bumsaver) yesterday. Because at Sunday's practice 8/23, we started to do booty blocking (just what it says), smearing/swiping (you skate in front of the other rollergirl-- in a position like you are going to the toilet (sorry, but this is the only way to describe it). Our coach says, "like you are going to take a shit". And, smear/swipe your booty into the front of that rollergirls body. Yes, booty smearing/swiping. Then there is the shoulder to shoulder, side of your body, hip & leg push.? (i can't remember what this drill was called?) Basically, push as hard as you can against the other girl's shoulder, side of body, and leg (while skating forward around the track) until the strongest girl PUTS the other out of bounds.

In the course of these drills, I was pared with a much smaller girl. I found that she was small, but solid MUSCLE! We were engaged in the "PUT the other out of bounds" when our skate wheels locked into each other & she started to fall. In the process she elbowed me hard in my right breast. Then she caught herself by switching her balance to her other skate. I on the other hand, was PUT out of bounds by her. I landed on my ample booty hard... (this reminds me of 2 winters ago in Denali trying to learn how to play hockey at Speaks outside lake. When Oliver's grandmother put me down & I could hardly walk for 3 days after!)

We have been told REPEATLY by our coach, who has been teaching us to fall FORWARD with tons of drills, that falling on your booty is like, "damn, you are soooooo a beginner! Not good! You can get hurt falling backwards". We do falling drill after falling drill so it will become automatic to fall forward. Falling forward is good, we have all the pads for protection. Falling backwards can = injury!

Now I've fallen on my booty (which is BAD) and it hurts! Now I'm the most UN-COOL girl out there in pain! So, I think ASS PAD! Let's really be the most un-cool girl out there! No one wears one-- NO ONE! (Even the place I bought it from, Sin City Skates website has under the bumsaver description, "Pad yr ass if you must, but pls learn to slide forward when you're falling! SERIOUS protection that could help in the meantime."). It crossed my mind before I started this to have one, but again NO ONE wears one! I'm trying not to look like an "ass" out there, so I didn't get one. But again, the 40 thing...I really don't want to get hurt & I already look like an ass...So I decide I NEED a bumsaver. At least until I can learn to fall correctly, ie FORWARD ONLY!!!!! I will let you know when I get it in the mail & actually wear it to practice! This should be embarrassing!

PS. I am very sorry if I offend anyone with the curse words. I have thought about writing this PG, but this is how it is.... so I decided to just write...uncensored. I hope you are okay with that. If not, I am truly sorry if I offend!

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