Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Fresh Brew Orientation

I have had lots of questions. So, I will start to answer some of them here:

Freshbrew is what we are called. It's much nicer than what we were 1st called at the boot camps over the summer (I will get to the boot camp at another time) which was Fresh Meat. I assumed we would be referred to as fresh meat all the way until the next round of newbies 1 year from now. I don't know who changed it to Freshbrew, but that's so much nicer-- Thank you!

Who are these Roller Girls? They are from every walk of life. Stay at home mom's, professionals, lawyer's, artists, retail/business owners, waitress, massage therapist, journalist for the A.P., college students, etc... They have busy full lives going & are roller girls. Ages 21 and up. You have to be legal drinking age. All different skill levels, sizes & shapes. Our coach said, "what other sport out there can you be over 6 foot tall & 200 pounds and still be an athlete? As a women, you don't have to fit into a certain (body image) category with roller derby...". This is what sold me on doing this. I went to a fundraiser they had & met the ladies. They were a great group of women. They are athletes. They are about empowering women. They are about community service here in Milwaukee. In their own words, "The Brewcity Bruisers represent ladies of all shapes, sizes, ages, backgrounds, attitude and skill levels. It is our goal to promote women's strength & self esteem and to create a sense of camaraderie and friendship among our members that will also be extended to the community through support to local businesses, arts and charities". I think they are bad asses & very multi-dimensional!I hope I make the cut to skate with them!

What's the TEAM???? This is where I should have started. The League is the Brewcity Bruisers in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They are the umbrella that has 4 teams. The teams are the Crazy 8's, Maiden Milwaukee, Rushin' Rollettes, and the Shevil Knevils. Each team has 20 roller girls. So the league is 80 women. I don't know how many spots are open for us freshbrews, there are about 25 of us trying out. The draft will be on Sunday, October 11, 2009. On Sunday, October 18, (if I make the team)-- all league practices start with your team! The 1st bout is on January 16th. So, how long this blog will go is to be determined at the draft/cut.

The Brewcity Bruisers are part of The Women's Flat Track Derby Association-- "Real. Strong. Athletic. Revolutionary.". We have to pass the WFTDA Skills Tests to get onto a team. These are minimum skills required to be a roller girl, as to not hurt others or yourself. Like FALLING FORWARD & getting back up within 2 seconds. I need to work on this one!

One last note for now... we have to pick a derby name. So any suggestion would be great. I already have one that I am using, but it can be changed right up to the draft. Then you have to register your roller girl name (this is nation wide, you cannot have another girls name). I will keep the one I am currently using as a secret for 2 reasons. One, I might like your name better. Two, it is on a 1st come 1st serve basis to register your name. Someone could get the name before me if their team picks before the BCB's. (I have to 1st get on the team to register my name). That happens after you get drafted onto a team.

There is tons more to say, but I am fitting this blog in with the rest of my life. So to be continued... and with more photos...

I had a request for more photos. I love photos too. But, both of our digital cameras have been dropped. I do not have a working camera right now. Sorry! But when I get a new one I'll be sure to add lots of photos then.


  1. Let's see....Fresh Brew Orientation, a draft coming up, and you have to be of legal drinking age. I think I have a handle on it. I love this sport already! Oh, and I can't wait to see the ass pad.


  2. Hello Cory! ass pad photo to be posted soon...
