Thursday, August 27, 2009

Pancakes, Bout, Boot Camp and Orientation

This entry is to play catch up...I started this blog after months of derby stuff.


While still not admitting that I wanted to SKATE on the team, I went to a BCB's fundraiser event. Basically, I went to check out the girls. To get a feel for what they were like. It was an all you can eat pancake breakfast held at The Urban Ecology Center in downtown Milwaukee (a very cool place! The UEC took over a neglected park in the city & turned it into this amazing space for kids & adults with tons of educational programs). While eating pancakes, Willie & I sat with a group of people we didn't know. We started to chat and we learned alot about the BCB's. These people were very open and friendly to us. So I ended up volunteering for the BCB's next bout.

The bout was the championship game on May 9, 2009, Maiden Milwaukee versus the Rushin' Rollettes, the Roulettes won. For volunteering I got a free ticket into the bout & I got a free BCB's t-shirt. My job was to make sure the fans (it looked like 1500 fans were there) didn't get onto the track and spill their beer all over. If they did I was there to clean it up. None of this happened, so I got to watch. I had no clue what the rules were. They flew around the track and made it look so easy! I WANTED to do that! So I ended up at a boot camp. The boot camp was the very next day on May 10, 2009. The BCB's offered boot camps from April through July once a month. These were not mandatory, but "highly encouraged" before the start of the official training on August 2, 2009.

When was the last time I had roller skates on my feet? A looong time ago...well over 20 years! I did roller blade about 10 years ago. (roller blades are made fun of--"we don't just have a pair we have QUADS!") I switched to ice skates when I moved to Alaska from Florida and from there onto hockey skates.

On the day of the boot camp I needed quad skates (old school!). We drove to Sports Authority and I bought a pair of "Roller Derby" Magnum M1 men's skates, for like 60 bucks. I skated for the 1st time (on quad) skates outside in the driveway. Then I went to the Bootcamp. Huh, this should be interesting...I get to THE WAREHOUSE where the BCB's practice. I was soooooo nervous & trying to talk myself out of this. Willie said, "Just GO and see if you like it!".

Previous to the boot camp: you have to have all the safety gear(helmet, mouth guard, knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards) to wear. The BCB's were great about letting us borrow their pads and SKATES. This way we didn't have the added expense of buying all the gear--before we knew for sure that this was really something we'd want to do after the boot camp experience. The mouth piece was the one exception for obvious reasons. So I bought that with the skates (they didn't have my size skates to borrow) on the same day as the boot camp.

Boot camp was in the warehouse that the BCB's practice in. It was 3 HOURS! Now realize, I have been a sack of potatoes for well over...well a loooong time! Boot camp scared the crap out of me! I arrived at the warehouse. There were boxes filled with gear for us to use. I found pads and a helmet (thanks Pound!) for me to use. I sat on the floor by the other "fresh meat" and I put on the gear and skates.

The track-- which is a concrete floor, has the red marks for the actual legal derby track marked on it. After we skate/warm up, it started... we hear the whistle blow & we do drill after drill with water breaks fit in. Drills like basic roller girl (RG) position=bend at knees & hips with shoulders back, crossovers, endurance, stops, falls, run on your toe stops & sprint until the whistle blows ,come to a complete stop, skating with others-- pair up with another skater & do whip/assist= you reach out w/your hand for her to grab & you pull her past you- then you switch. 3 Hours later it was over.

I SERIOUSLY could hardly move. My quadriceps were gone. I was shaky in my body, I felt like jello. I recommend that if anyone wants to go to a derby boot camp working out 1st would make it so much easier on your body! I went down the stairs to the parking lot, Willie was waiting for me. Thank God I didn't have to drive after that workout. He took one look at me and thought, she hated it! He asked me, "How was it?" I said, "it was the hardest thing I had ever done but, I LOVED IT!". The best part to me was the whip/assist part. I loved whipping my partner around. Even though I was completely out of shape & now physically wasted, I knew I wanted to TRY to do this!

Willie took me to Leon's Frozen Custard stand(a Milwaukee must do!) as a reward. When we got home I went right into the bathtub for a super hot bath(I should have used ice!) with mineral salts for hours. I couldn't walk right for days. Sitting down- I had to use my arms to lower my body down. I felt my quadriceps were torn. I was a mess for a good 3 weeks before my inner thighs/groin were not at the fore front of all my thoughts. Thigh pain was always on my mind. At one point, I questioned if I had actually really injured my poor body(is it because I am 40 that I feel this bad? Or, is it just because I'm so out of shape?). But finally all the pain & soreness and that ache-y feeling-- like I had the flu went away. I planned to work out before the official newbie training started. I didn't. Call me a glutton for punishment or I'm just an idiot!

Next up was the Newbie Orientation on July 8, 2009. This was a mandatory meeting where we found out how the official training would go. We learned about their mission statement, that they are a skater-owned and operated league. About the WFTDA skills test, the draft, cuts, team placement, roller derby & BCB's history-- they started in December 2005. What to expect being a roller girl, how to take care of yourself, ice therapy, build your hamstrings, squats!!!, safety equipment, buying new skates(leather or synthetic?), skater name registration, BCB's bylaws, attendance policy, code of conduct, participation agreements, medical & emergency contact information, proof of health insurance, And the 2 BIG ones: 1) This might not be for you, and that's okay! 2) Please...always have fun!

So there you have it! After the orientation I had 3 weeks and 3 days before the official training would begin. The orientation is when I truly felt committed to doing this. I started to skate outside in preparation (endurance) for the beginning of The BCB's Official Training...I quickly realized that my training was not enough! I'm getting in shape at the practices rather than already being in shape and learning the game, not the ideal way to go but that is what it is.

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