Monday, August 24, 2009

Today I bought an Ass Pad!!!!!

I should start at the beginning...
Willie & I moved from Denali Nat'l Park, Alaska to Milwaukee, Wisconsin in the middle of January 2009. Willie's nephew Jamie mentioned that, "the roller girls in Milwaukee (sometimes) would stop into the bar he worked at & party together-- after they had just kicked the shit out of each other on the track..." This one little comment started it all. "They have roller derby in Milwaukee? I've never been to a bout before. Maybe I could volunteer to help them out? Maybe I'd make some new friends...I don't have any friends in Milwaukee yet. I wonder if I could SKATE?--No way! (thinking all of this to myself) What am I thinking that I could be a roller girl? You are 40 years old now. You are completely out of shape....Blah, Blah, Blah....I can't do this!!!! BUT,

when I turned 40 I made a promise to myself that I would TRY to grow more as a person in all ways-- Mental & Physical. And I think Roller Derby is the perfect fit for me being mental & trying to get more physical! So I told myself that I would 1st admit that I want to SKATE on the roller derby team & 2nd stop those thoughts in my head telling me that I am too old & out of shape to do this at 40. SO,

today I bought an ass pad!

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