Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Tailbone Saver!

Practice last night was heavy on the blocking/hitting, counter-blocking (no more off skate practice-- skates on girls!) , pace lines, and endurance drills. The ass pad was a success! I went in and announced my humiliation about wearing it to anyone who would one cared. Let me just say, "I LOVE MY ASS PAD"! I noticed right away that it gave me a psychological boost. I felt like-- okay, if I get hit hard & fall hard, it won't hurt as bad with the pad. The 2nd thing I noticed, was that when I DID fall and it was really hard, (there was a very loud thud echoed around the warehouse) my tailbone survived. I was soooooooo glad I had my bum saver on! (I must get that falling forward thing down)...So with the bum saver/tailbone saver/ass pad on, I jumped right up & went in for some more!

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