Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pass or CUTS~ ouch!

Today is the last practice of our week #8. Sunday, September 27 & Wednesday the 30th, is the start of our week #9. Week number 9 is the WFTDA Skills Tests which is this coming Sunday & next Wednesday. These tests are the minimum skill requirements for skaters entering into The Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The BCB's are a WFTDA league, so we have to pass these minimum skills to be able to skate with the team, and to be drafted.

The skills:
Skating- posture, stride, crossovers and stops (basic roller girl skating position).

Speed- we have to complete 5 laps around the track in 1 minute or less. We must skate 25 laps around the track in 5 minutes. (this skill I have yet to master :( We have done this drill 3x's. On my first attempt, I did 22 laps. The 2nd time I did 24 laps. As of last night, I did 24 & 3/4ths laps. I'm very nervous about this skill. I have to get to the 25 laps by this Sunday. UGH!

Falls- we must perform single knee, double knee, figure 4/the baseball slide, and the 180 degree turn single knee falls.

Balance/Agility- we have to perform these skills w/out losing our balance or falling. Stepping from a standstill forward & backward, side to side in both directions, squatting while skating, squat and coast the entire straightaway & turn, hopping with both feet, moving forward and hopping with both feet simultaneously. We have to jump & clear an 3 inch object while skating forward. Weaving- maneuver through 10 cones placed 6 feet apart.

Skating With Others- giving and receiving whips and pushes. Pacing- varies speed while being"sandwiched" between 2 skaters, maintaining an arm's length distance w/out falling, tripping, overtaking, or running into another skater. Weaving Around Moving Obstacles- skate through a line of moving skaters that are arm's width apart. Unexpected Obstacles- skating within a pack of at least 4 skaters, who are falling in front of the skater at various unexpected times. Skater must demonstrate the ability to deal w/unexpected obstacles and avoid or fall with out hurting self or the fallen skater. Leaning- skates while leaning shoulder to shoulder with another skater without falling. Bumping- maintains or recovers balance while being bumped into & having wheels bumped by other skaters without falling.

Blocking- taking hits, responds safely (without falling or falling safely) to repeated heavy hits. Body Blocking/Frontal Blocking/Stall Blocking- performs checks with legal body parts delivered within legal blocking zones with moderate to heavy force while skating at a brisk pace.

This puts a knot in my stomach just writing what I have to do this Sunday & next Wednesday. The deal is, I HAVE TO PASS! If you don't pass, you cannot skate with the team & will be cut on draft day. Please, wish me luck & send me out some energy this Sunday & Wednesday. Oh Yeah, I WILL DO IT!

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