Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today we had our test to determine if we could pass the national Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA) minimum skills test. They packed all of the testing into 1 day.

I PASSED!!!!!!

My biggest worry was the test where we had to skate 25 laps in 5 minutes. To this point I had only done 24 & 3/4's laps. Today I did 27 &1/2 laps! I was so psyched. Time to celebrate!!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The Brawl of America, St Paul, MN

September 18-20, 2009
North Central Roller Derby Tournament

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Pass or CUTS~ ouch!

Today is the last practice of our week #8. Sunday, September 27 & Wednesday the 30th, is the start of our week #9. Week number 9 is the WFTDA Skills Tests which is this coming Sunday & next Wednesday. These tests are the minimum skill requirements for skaters entering into The Women's Flat Track Derby Association (WFTDA). The BCB's are a WFTDA league, so we have to pass these minimum skills to be able to skate with the team, and to be drafted.

The skills:
Skating- posture, stride, crossovers and stops (basic roller girl skating position).

Speed- we have to complete 5 laps around the track in 1 minute or less. We must skate 25 laps around the track in 5 minutes. (this skill I have yet to master :( We have done this drill 3x's. On my first attempt, I did 22 laps. The 2nd time I did 24 laps. As of last night, I did 24 & 3/4ths laps. I'm very nervous about this skill. I have to get to the 25 laps by this Sunday. UGH!

Falls- we must perform single knee, double knee, figure 4/the baseball slide, and the 180 degree turn single knee falls.

Balance/Agility- we have to perform these skills w/out losing our balance or falling. Stepping from a standstill forward & backward, side to side in both directions, squatting while skating, squat and coast the entire straightaway & turn, hopping with both feet, moving forward and hopping with both feet simultaneously. We have to jump & clear an 3 inch object while skating forward. Weaving- maneuver through 10 cones placed 6 feet apart.

Skating With Others- giving and receiving whips and pushes. Pacing- varies speed while being"sandwiched" between 2 skaters, maintaining an arm's length distance w/out falling, tripping, overtaking, or running into another skater. Weaving Around Moving Obstacles- skate through a line of moving skaters that are arm's width apart. Unexpected Obstacles- skating within a pack of at least 4 skaters, who are falling in front of the skater at various unexpected times. Skater must demonstrate the ability to deal w/unexpected obstacles and avoid or fall with out hurting self or the fallen skater. Leaning- skates while leaning shoulder to shoulder with another skater without falling. Bumping- maintains or recovers balance while being bumped into & having wheels bumped by other skaters without falling.

Blocking- taking hits, responds safely (without falling or falling safely) to repeated heavy hits. Body Blocking/Frontal Blocking/Stall Blocking- performs checks with legal body parts delivered within legal blocking zones with moderate to heavy force while skating at a brisk pace.

This puts a knot in my stomach just writing what I have to do this Sunday & next Wednesday. The deal is, I HAVE TO PASS! If you don't pass, you cannot skate with the team & will be cut on draft day. Please, wish me luck & send me out some energy this Sunday & Wednesday. Oh Yeah, I WILL DO IT!

Monday, September 21, 2009

A whole lotta Derby~

We got back last night from Regionals in St. Paul. I'm blown away by the level of roller derby I saw over the weekend. These are the best teams in our region. I learned a lot & really started to "get" the game. The athleticism I saw out there made me truly realize what an awesome sport this is.

The tournament started on a sad note. One of the roller girls from the North Star Minneapolis team was hit by a car on Thursday morning. She was jogging ,with her 3 month old child in a stroller. She managed to push the stroller out of the way-- the baby is fine. But Moxie Mayhem, her real name is Stacey Morgan, was killed. We found out at the start of the game & it was her team that BCB was playing against--very sad for that team. BCB won the bout. The 2nd bout of the day was against Madison the #3 seed. They beat us.

On Saturday BCB was up against Burning River, this game was amazing! If you saw this one, you'd forever love derby! BCB at the last 2 minutes of the game were down 97-87. Then they went on to tie the game up 109-109-- with multiple grand slams! Overtime, which in derby means that a final overtime jam will determine the winner. The jammers have to skate for a full 2 minute jam & which ever jammer scores the most points wins. I got to see the "passing of the star" which is when the jammer passes the star helmet cover to her pivot (who has on the stripe helmet cover) and the pivot player then becomes the jammer and can now score points. BCB WON 126-116! We were jumping out of our seats cheering them on. BCB ended up in 7th place in the tournament out of 10 teams.

I know this is a lot of derby talk & it might be boring. The main point I want to make is that this sport is so much fun! The ladies at regional levels are true athletes. Go check out your local roller derby team & support them in your area. If they are anything like the BCB they will also be involved with local community service...

A fun side note: I now have a derby crush! Her name is Racer McChaseHer. She is the captain of the Detroit team. She plays blocker, pivot & jammer (all the positions). I'm in awe of her!

This is a link to the North Star team in memoriam of Moxie.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Going to Regionals!

We are driving to St. Paul, Minnesota tonight. The BCB's are the #9 seed in the opening rounds & play at 11:30am tomorrow against the North Star team. The winning team then plays again against the #3 seed Madison. We decided today to go and watch.

So for more info check out:
WFTDA North Central Regionals, September 18-20, St. Paul, Minnesota.

I will write more soon. I have to pack now.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Facebuster on the concrete floor!

This is week 6 of practice for us, and I'm still alive! I have more bruises and aches & pains, but I'm still hangin' in there...Last night was the worst practice for me yet. I was on the ground more than I was upright. The highlight of the night was my FACEPLANT! (at least I fell forward!) Not so great on a concrete track. There is a lot to say about this week of practices, but I'll just leave it at: it was a faceplant, bruises, body ache, being elbowed, forearms in the face kinda week...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Tailbone Saver!

Practice last night was heavy on the blocking/hitting, counter-blocking (no more off skate practice-- skates on girls!) , pace lines, and endurance drills. The ass pad was a success! I went in and announced my humiliation about wearing it to anyone who would one cared. Let me just say, "I LOVE MY ASS PAD"! I noticed right away that it gave me a psychological boost. I felt like-- okay, if I get hit hard & fall hard, it won't hurt as bad with the pad. The 2nd thing I noticed, was that when I DID fall and it was really hard, (there was a very loud thud echoed around the warehouse) my tailbone survived. I was soooooooo glad I had my bum saver on! (I must get that falling forward thing down)...So with the bum saver/tailbone saver/ass pad on, I jumped right up & went in for some more!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The "Ass Pad" has ARRIVED!!!!

I got the Bum Saver in the mail yesterday. Tonight we have practice & I'm going to wear it. I am so un-cool...