Monday, October 19, 2009

My poor blog...

I have neglected my blog. I made the team last Sunday. I went to Chicago to work on a movie. I went back to Milwaukee for my first team meeting as a Brewcity Bruiser Rushin' Rollette. Friends from Alaska came to visit for the weekend. Back in Chicago...and I joined Facebook which is a total time sucker...

I will write more & keep the blog going when cool derby stuff is happening. For now I am BUSY...

Thank you for all the derby wishes. I still cannot believe I made the team & that I am a roller girl! Yay!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Got Drafted!

I'm a Brewcity Bruiser! I was drafted onto the Rushin' Rollettes team! The party continues tonight...

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Whip It!

This week we were invited to a special screening of the movie Whip It. On Tuesday night, we watched the new roller derby movie directed by Drew Barrymore. It was exciting to see a movie on roller derby & to be actively trying to get on a roller derby team. What stood out to me the most was that Racer McChaser (my derby crush) was in the movie. It was very cool to recognize real life derby girls-- that we got to see skate at Regionals in St. Paul 2 weeks ago.

I thought the movie was a great coming of age movie with the backdrop of roller derby. Roller derby became the metaphor for following your own personal "bliss". Bliss happens to be the main characters name. Bliss has to break way from her parents (especially her mom's) ideals and follow her own path. As Joseph Campbell once said, "Life is all about, following your bliss".

If you see the movie, I must point out a few things that are VERY different than what the BCB are about. First, the main character lies about her age (she's only 17). The BCB check ID's & there is no exception to the over 21 age rule.

Second, they use a banked track in the movie. We don't use a banked track because of the cost & energy needed for set-up. We use a flat track. It allows us to play at more locations, against more leagues, and for a fraction of the cost that a banked track would be.

Third, Drew Barrymore's character often throws punches & extremely violent hits, resulting in her being ejected from the game. Although this can happen, it is NOT common. We have total respect for the women we play with & against. We try to make sure that everyone is safe. If a skater starts a fight our insurance coverage is put at risk. The BCB will not put their insurance coverage at risk, the safety of all our skaters at risk, for the actions of one player. On the violent aspect of roller derby-- we practice hard and condition our bodies in order to keep ourselves safe. There are EMT's at all of our bouts. We are focused more on the sport of roller derby then on the aspect of fighting.

I have been asked about getting injured doing this. Again we are training for this sport & are not trying to hurt each other. People rarely ask hockey or football players if they are concerned about the danger/injuries involved in their sports. But, women & young girls are rarely given the opportunity to train for a full contact sport that involves team bonding and development of character.

Most of the roller derby movies I've seen portray the girls as WWF type wrestlers/fighters. I have learned that there are 2 kinds of roller derby. The one that you see on the banked track with fists flying and the one that I'm doing on the WFTDA flat track. More sport, less punching.

Finally, the girls in the movie show off their ass bruises to each other as a badge of honor. This does happen! But, since my ass pad, I don't have any ass bruises to show off! Also, there is a scene in the movie where Bliss watches a football game with her dad. She comments on what a great tackle she has just seen. Her dad is surprised, as she's not into football. I had this happen to me. Now when I'm watching a football game I have a completely different view on the game. I dig the contact side now. It's "beautiful" when I see a good hit & tackle. I have a totally new appreciation for football now.

Last night we went to the official opening night of the movie Whip It. Since we watched the movie on Tuesday night, we were there to promote our league with the movie. We dressed in all our derby gear-- pads & skates. This was the first time I ever skated inside a movie theater. Another 1st for me at 40!